Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Headstone is Done!

I took Dad some flowers today since it's the 4th. As I was leaving, a man knocked on my window and said "Who is your soldier?" I said "Jim Lakey". He said "Would you like me to play a song for him?" I said "Yes." So we walked back over to the gravesite and he played Amazing Grace on his bag pipes, facing Dad. He then saluted him afterwards. It was beautiful!


Sarah said...

I was thinking of Dad as I attended the temple here in Arizona yesterday. It was so wonderful that you visited him and took pictures of his new headstone. I love the expressions of our love for him on his headstone. He is surely missed by all his family and not a day goes by that we don't have him in our thoughts. You were his little sweetheart and his youngest daughter. Thetwo of you lhad a special relationship. We all have our own memories of him and the wonderful words and love he showed to all of lus. Glad to see the flag waving on the hill in the background. When I return tomorrow I will pay a visit also. Love, MOM

Sarah said...

I thought of Dad too when I was at the temple here in Tokyo with our youth. I was doing baptisms with them and when I held onto the arm of our priesthood leader from the branch I had a flashback when I was 8 and held onto Dad's arm as I went under. It was such a wonderful experience and memory but it's hard to let myself look back sometimes because it opens up the wound again. Sorry for getting so serious. Thanks Liz, and thanks Caleb for giving the info about how to get a copy of his file. I'm going to ask for one. Love you all - Karri

Sarah said...

Liz, thank you for putting this on here. I bet it was beautiful. I was touched just listening to the story. I will always remember what a special man he was and how he could always make me feel special. -Audrea

Sarah said...

What a special dad we have, that even strangers want to serenade him. I wish i could of been there to feel his spirit the way that you must have. Thanks for keeping dad alive in all our hearts, by the things you do. I love you. You truly are dad's little princess.
