Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Grandparents In Boise

I am at Liz's today helping with some sewing and cake decorating. Just learned of Mike christensens grandson. So sad to hear the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. It is always the most difficult when a young person dies. We were so sorry to hear such news. I don't know if I have much time to do this blog thing, but it is fun to read about all of you. Yesterday Dad told Mike Heinz we were moving out and he wasn't too happy. I have the whole house torn up with packing, canning, and sewing project for a humanitarian project. Well this morning he calls and wants to come by for some pictures of the house to put it on the market. I took a dolly and started moving everything out of every room and putting it into the garage. What a tornado. I had a mess everywhere. Well, the house looks great now, and I'm over at Liz's helping her. The garage is a disaster! When I get back home I will go to the garage and start packing again. Loose stuff everywhere. Did I say I hate moving. I hope to get hired at Wells with Dad. Not sure yet. We are tired of being in such debt and hope we can find jobs to help us out of our mess, along with our move. It doesn't look like we can make a trip to Germany this year, or anywhere else for that fact. Didn't like hearing about the terrorists at your base either. Al-kida Germans, what is that? Could you work off base too? We sure love you Suzy and we are so sorry for your loss. Love, Mom and Dad