Sunday, August 5, 2007

Greetings from the beautiful Deutschland

Well, We are home and semi back into things with the time change. Caleb finally went and got his finger x-rayed and as some might have guessed, it was broken. He went in for surgery on Friday. Everything went well. Thankfully the anethesia wore off within 8 hours post-op because I was tired of carrying the warm puke bucket to the sink. He came out with three screws in his pinky and a big cast. Next week he will be attending occupational therapy sessions to improve the movement of his finger.

Life is wonderful for us. We find ourselves talking a lot about the fun we had at the reunion. So good to see everyone together, and for me to finally meet the complete family.

Love to all,

Caleb and Suzy


Sarah said...

Caleb! Holy cow! I am sorry that your finger is broken. And all that time we thought you were a big baby. Just kidding. I hope it heals quickly. Feel better! Suzy, you guys are great for uploading pictures already. I need to do the same. Love you guys!